API Reference


This page describes the different objects used in SeaTable.


A table object consists of key:value pairs that are fixed and never change. Every table is defined by an _id and a name. The _id is unique inside a base.

  "tables": [
      "_id": "0000",
      "name": "Catalogue",
      "rows": [...],
      "columns": [...],
      "view_structure": {...},
      "views": [...],
      "id_row_map": {}
      "_id": "xC1x",
      "name": "Product Data",


A table inside SeaTable can contain a nearly unlimited amount of rows. Rows are like entries in a database. A view is a defined set of parameters to show only a subset of these rows. Since you can create multiple views, they are perfect for switching between different views of the data in a table. Developers could imagine a view like a predefined SELECT query.

Imagine a table with tasks. So it is obvious to define one view with all tasks and create one more view each for the already done or still open tasks. A special row can occur in several views, is of course stored in the database only once.

  "views": [
      "_id": "0000",
      "name": "Open Todos",
      "type": "table",
      "is_locked": false,
      "rows": [],
      "formula_rows": {},
      "summaries": {},
      "filter_conjunction": "And",
      "filters": [],
      "sorts": [
          "column_key": "kJW5",
          "sort_type": "down"
      "hidden_columns": [
      "groupbys": [
          "column_key": "3a97",
          "sort_type": "up",
          "count_type": ""
      "groups": [],
      "row_height": "double",
      "colors": {},
      "link_rows": {},
      "column_colors": {}

Row & Column

A row object consists of key:value pairs. The keys are the column_names (or the column_ids) and the values are the concrete content of the column. The following example and explanation should help to create a correct row object.

  "_id": "Qtf7xPmoRaiFyQPO1aENTjb",
  "_ctime": "2021-02-09T12:23:17.761+00:00",
  "_mtime": "2021-03-10T16:19:31.761+00:00",
  "_creator": "145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local",
  "_last_modifier": "145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local",
  "Book-Title": "The Great Gatsby",
  "Publishing Date": "1925-04-10",
  "Reviews": [
      "row_id": "aG-P7aRoSPi_wauvv60fsA",
      "display_value": "Wallstreet Journal"
      "row_id": "Mr-3QnQ5Q-eeEqFBevtOkw",
      "display_value": "Google News"
  "Author": ["145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local"],
  "Cover": [
  "Selling Price": 48,
  "Summary": "In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.\n\n‘Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’\n\n"
  "_id": "Qtf7xPmoRaiFyQPO1aENTjb",
  "_ctime": "2021-02-09T12:23:17.761+00:00",
  "_mtime": "2021-03-10T16:19:31.761+00:00",
  "_creator": "145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local",
  "_last_modifier": "145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local",
  "d9W1": "The Great Gatsby",
  "UYOZ": "1925-04-10",
  "J5ds": [
      "row_id": "aG-P7aRoSPi_wauvv60fsA",
      "display_value": "Wallstreet Journal"
      "row_id": "Mr-3QnQ5Q-eeEqFBevtOkw",
      "display_value": "Google News"
  "XX98": ["145504ae043c438cbb55f2afb084d586@auth.local"],
  "d9W1": [
  "38WE": 48,
  "Summary": "In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.\n\n‘Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’\n\n"

As you can see in the example, due to the different column types, the values can have different formats and could be strings, integers, arrays or even objects.

Supported column types

"# Markdown syntax\n\nNew line with some **bold text**."
integer279 or 12.5344
collaboratorarray["24...ab2@auth.local", "98...a3@auth.local"]
(ISO 8601 date and time in UTC)
"2021-07-01 13:59" or
- seatable accepts a wide variety of date formats.
- Always saved in iso format.
- If "Accurate to minutes" is not set, hh:mm will be ignored.
durationstring"9:50" or "1:10:30"Depending on column setting.
single-selectstring"female"The exact string of the option is required. If the option doesn't exist, option deleted will be shown in the UI.
multiple-selectarray["Option 1", "Option 2"]Non-existing options will be ignored.
imagearray["/workspace/24/asset/.../heart.png", "https://seatable.io/logo.svg"]Images can be stored in two ways:
- uploading an image
- providing public URLs
filearray[{"name": "fav.ico", "size": 6746, "type": "file", "url": "..."}]You need to upload the file first, get its parent_path and file_relative_path first and then return to this call.
geolocationobject{"lng": 8.23..., "lat": 50.00...} or
{"country_region": "Sweden"}
Depending on column setting.
formulastring"Albert Summer"Contains only the result of the formula.
buttonnullnullAlways null
linkarray[{"row_id": "Mr-3QnQ5Q-eeEqFBevtOkw", "display_value": "Google News"}]
link-formulaarray, string or integer["Todo 1", "Todo 2"], Open Pending, 2The output depends on the link formula type. Lookup returns an array, rollup returns a string and findmax returns an integer.
digital-signobject{"username": "24...ab2@auth.local", "sign_image_url": "/digital-signs/2023-06/24...ab2@auth.local-1687426928723.png", "sign_time": "2023-06-22T09:42:08.761+00:00"}
_idstring"Qtf7xPmoRaiFyQPO1aENTjb"Unique value inside a base and can not be changed.
_ctimestring"2021-02-09T12:23:17.761+00:00"Can not be changed.
_mtimestring"2021-02-09T12:23:17.761+00:00"Updates automatically.
_lockedbooleantrue or null

Automatically filled column types

SeaTable offers some column types that are filled automatically. It is not possible to change the value of these columns by the user in the UI or with an update row request. These columns are:

  • Column id (_id)
  • Creation time (_ctime)
  • Last modification time (_mtime)
  • Lock status (_locked)
  • Locked from person (_locked_by)
  • Archived (_archived)
  • Creator (_creator)
  • Last modifier (_last_modifier)
  • Auto number
  • Button
  • Formula
  • Link formula

Handling of default values

If you use the old Append Rows endpoint, the default values of the text, number and single select column types won't be filled by the API request automatically. If you leave these fields blank, they'll also be blank after the new row is appended, which is different than the behavior on the web UI.

If you use the new Append Rows endpoint, you can set the apply_default body parameter to true, which ensures that any default values are automatically applied.


Within SeaTable you can link a row to another row in the same table, or in another table of the same base. Links to another base are not possible. SeaTable supports all relation types like 1:1, 1:n or n:m.


Links are bidirectional

SeaTable does not know the direction of links. If you create a link from a column A to column B, it is the same like creating a link from column B to column A.

To create a link between two columns you will always need five informations. You need the two tables (identified by their name), the two columns that you want to link (identified by their row id) and the link_id. What makes it a little difficult is that the link_id is not the column_id or column_key. Use the Get Metadata endpoint to get the link_id of a link column.

  "table_name": "Table1",
  "other_table_name": "Table2",
  "link_id": "jYc7",
  "table_row_id": "Qtf7xPmoRaiFyQPO1aENTjb",
  "other_table_row_id": "aHVfgfy0RUiP8PYohm3K6w"
  "Qtf7xPmoRaiFyQPO1aENTjb": [
      "row_id": "aHVfgfy0RUiP8PYohm3K6w",
      "display_value": "Albert"