API Reference


Learn to master the authentication flows of SeaTable.

Almost every SeaTable API requests require an authentication via authentication-header. The only exceptions are the request's Ping and the Server Info Request. These two requests don't require an authentication.

All other API-requests require an authorization header that looks like this, where different tokens can be used.

Authorization: Bearer {{Account-Token, API-Token or Base-Token}}


Self-hosted SeaTable need configuration change

The Try It! function of this page works out of the box with SeaTable Cloud. But if you host your own SeaTable Server you have to change your nginx configuration to use this great feature.


Bearer or Token?

Before version 4.0, the authentication header in SeaTable was not like Authorization: Bearer but Authorization: Token. Starting with version 4.0 both authentication headers are supported. We recommend the use of Authorization: Bearer, according to the official OpenAPI 3.0 Specifiation.

Authentication Flows in SeaTable

Initially, authentication in SeaTable can seem a bit complicated, but the following graphic should make it clearer.

Authentication Flow in SeaTable

  • Every account operation (Uuser, Team Admin or System Admin) requires an Account-Token.
  • Every base operation requires a Base-Token.
  • Every file operation requires an API-Token.

The three tokens



An Account-Token authenticates an account API request (=Account Operations) like add a new base, add a group member or list all collaborators of a base. The Account-Token can be generated with the account-credentials.



An API-Token is like a password to use the API requests of a single base. The main purpose of an API-Token is to generate a Base-Token or to grant access to the files of a base.
You can create as many API-Token per base as you want. Every API-Token can have different read or write permissions. This token is valid until you delete them.



A Base-Token authenticates a base API request (=Base Operations) like add a new row, append a row or delete a row. The Base-Token can be generated in many ways. The most common way is to use an API-Token.
The read/write permission of an Base-Token depends on the read/write permission of the API-Token or the Account-Token it's generated from. Base-Token are valid for 3 days, therefore these must be generated regularly.

Here are the differences between these three tokens:

Account-Token40 charsneveraccount privileges (user, team-admin, system admin)
API-Token40 charsneverallows generating a Base-Token for a specific base with either read or write access
Base-Token249 chars3 daysallow executing a Base-Operation with either read or write access to a specific base

Keep your Tokens secure!

An Account-Token or an API-Token replaces the combination of username & password in a SeaTable API request. Once generated, such a Token is valid permanently.
Therefore your Tokens have the same sensibility as your username and password, so make sure keep them in a safe place!

Token Hierarchy

If you are working with the SeaTable API for the first time, the three different API-Tokens can be confusing. With a few exceptions, the following rule should help you:

  • For all account operations, you need an account token. You create this token with your credentials.
  • For practically all base operations, you require a base token. You generate this from an API token.

Otherwise, it can be said that the Account-Token is the most powerful token because you can generate the other two tokens with it. With the API token, on the other hand, you can only generate a base token, and the base token can only be used to execute base operations. We call this the Token-Hierarchy of SeaTable.


Treat your tokens like passwords, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API-Tokens in public accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

Team Admin vs. System Admin

Account-Operations differentiate between User, Team Admin and System Admin. These are the three possible roles a user can have within SeaTable. Each user always has the User permission. The Team Admin or System Admin role must also be assigned to a user, and Team Admins only exist if teams/organizations are enabled in SeaTable. This is the case with https://cloud.seatable.io, but is typically not the case with self-hosted SeaTable instances.

More details on SeaTable's team/organization structure and admin management can be found at https://seatable.io/docs/.