post https://{server}/api/v2.1/forms/
Create a form in the base.
To customize this form, you can use the following request body in the
parameter and:
- Define the name of the form;
- Choose which columns to include in it;
- Set required fields;
- Add descriptions;
- Add remarks;
- Send notifications;
- Add a notice on the top of the form;
- Add a notice on the bottom of the form;
- Show a notice after submission;
- Add a redirect link after submission;
- Set a submission deadline.
"form_name":"Customer Survey", // The name of your form
"columns":[ // Choose the columns to include
"key":"0000", // The column ID
"is_required":false, // Set obligation
"description":"", // Add a description if needed
"filters":[], // Conditional question (details follow)
"filter_conjunction":"And" // Filter behavior (details follow)
"table_id":"0000", // ID of the table
"remarkOption":{ // A notice at the bottom
"notification_config":{ // If notification will be sent
"top_remark_option":{ // A notice at the top
"success_message_option":{ // A message after submission
"success_redirect_option":{ // A redirect URL after submission
""submit_deadline_option":{ // An optional submission deadline
"submit_deadline":"2021-10-28 00:00:00"
Resolving the White Page Issue in Edit Mode
If you cannot open the newly generated form in edit mode, please check the browser console for error messages. Typically, the page remains blank if a configuration option is missing.