API Reference

Create Form

Create a form in the base.

To customize this form, you can use the following request body in the form_config parameter and:

  • Define the name of the form;
  • Choose which columns to include in it;
  • Set required fields;
  • Add descriptions;
  • Add remarks;
  • Send notifications;
  • Add a notice on the top of the form;
  • Add a notice on the bottom of the form;
  • Show a notice after submission;
  • Add a redirect link after submission;
  • Set a submission deadline.
        "form_name":"Customer Survey",              // The name of your form
        "columns":[                                 // Choose the columns to include
                "key":"0000",                       // The column ID
                "is_required":false,                // Set obligation
                "description":"",                   // Add a description if needed
                "filters":[],                       // Conditional question (details follow)
                "filter_conjunction":"And"          // Filter behavior (details follow)
        "table_id":"0000",                          // ID of the table
        "remarkOption":{                            // A notice at the bottom
        "notification_config":{                     // If notification will be sent  
        "top_remark_option":{                       // A notice at the top  
        "success_message_option":{                  // A message after submission
        "success_redirect_option":{                 // A redirect URL after submission  
        ""submit_deadline_option":{                 // An optional submission deadline
            "submit_deadline":"2021-10-28 00:00:00"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!